07 gennaio 2019
REMARK: The air shocks/springs have to be sent completely with all components (spring and reducer).
The forks have to be sent completely with the crowns and the shafts.
Furthermore by signing this document, the applicant declares to accept explicitly the following conditions.
The "Form of requests for special interventions / tuning”, filled with all the details and signed by the applicant, has to be added to the products. When a product is sent without such form or not filled out completely, there are invoiced € 15.00 + VAT due to the additional work.
Furthermore we ask you to clean the products externally before you send them to facilitate the whole process of registration. If the product is sent dirty and it is not possible to accept the product, B.S.C. srl has the right to invoice € 10.00 + VAT due to cleaning and organization costs. The forks with two crowns have to be sent completely with both crowns.
Instead the shocks have to be sent completely with the spring and the reducer (these last ones also with the air shocks). In case of absence of these components, B.S.C. srl has the right to not accept the product.
The applicant allows the assigned center of assistance to remove all the parts of the product in maintenance/reparation/tuning that are necessary with the aim to fulfill a correct analysis of the defect/problem and to formulate an estimate of costs.
The applicant has been informed that the acceptance of the estimate of costs is a necessary condition to go on with all the operations of maintenance/reparation/tuning.
The assigned center of assistance is allowed to not finish the maintenance/reparation after the disassembling of the single parts when the estimate of costs is not accepted.
The applicant has been informed correctly and gives the authorization that, whenever he does not allow the maintenance/reparation/tuning, the center of assistance could decide, because of the incontrovertible verdict, to not undertake the assembling of one/certain components which are checked, worn, damaged or do not work and therefore it is not possible to work with them or it is dangerous for the user/owner. The center of assistance is liberated from any responsibility of consideration.
The applicant has been informed that the amount for the interventions of maintenance/reparation/tuning entered in the price list could increase up to 20 % (taking in account the price list of the available maintenances on and gives in advance the acceptance to still undertake the intervention of maintenance/reparation/tuning until this threshold.
The applicant knows that B.S.C. srl could demand discretionary a contribution to fulfill the estimate of costs according to the complexity and the duration in circumstances of workforce/materials of consumption of the operations of disassembling to verify the problem, if the applicant decides to fulfill the reparation or less.
For telescopic seat posts it is NOT possible to ask for an estimate of costs.
Forks/shock from € 45.00 + VAT to € 55.00 + VAT
What is cited above is not valid for telescopic seat posts, because requests of estimates of costs are not accepted from the client.