
RacingBros Wiper Seal Low Friction LEFTY 36 RB-LEFTY36

Wiper Seals Low Friction for forks CANNONDALE LEFTY 36 Hybrid Il parapolvere Racingbros Low Friction, ad oggi offrono i minor coificente d´attrito garantendo la massima fluiditá delle forcelle, il materiale pregiato contenente grafite MOS2 e Teflon PTFE e la forma particolare sono il risultato di molti anni di ricerca / sviluppo nelle gare nazionali e internazionali e milioni di cicli su test banco prova. Il design particolare del labbro di tenuta esterno garantisce una maggiore protezione contro l'entrata di sporcizia, fango, acqua etc. e allo stesso tempo sono anche piú durevoli.

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Wiper Selas LOW FRICTION for CANNONADLE forks LEFTY Hybrid stems 36 

The kit includes:   1 Wiper Seal 

Compared to other wiper seals “RacingBros” offer the lowest friction coefficient, guaranteeing maximum smoothness of the forks, the high quality material containing MOS2 graphite and Teflon PTFE particles and the particular shape are the result of many years of research / development in national and international competitions and millions test cycles on dyno test machine. The particular design of the external sealing lip guarantees greater protection against the entry of dirt, mud, water etc. compared to other wiper seals, and at the same time RacingBros seals are also made to offer a longer lifetime.  Operating temperature between -25 ° C and + 80 ° C is guaranteed. The foam rings supplied in the packaging have a density of 25kg / m³, which guarantees greater oil absorption than other manufacturers' sponges.